The dreadlock accelerator helps your twists tighten further as they dry up.Ĭonsider rolling your twists in between your palms one by one in the direction your two strand twists were made. Use a dreadlock accelerator on your two strand twist locs. If you can use a mesh cap on while washing to prevent the locs from unraveling (although not mandatory) 3. Using regular shampoo could leave product residue on your hair. When you wash the locs ensure you use dreadlock shampoo. The natural oils hair produces is essential for your hair to thrive. Although two strand twists locs can endure a lot of manipulation, daily wash eliminates the natural oils your hair produces. Generally, avoid washing your starter locs daily. This gives your hair time to mature and loc together. Wait at least a week till you can wash your newly installed two strand twist starter locs. Covering the twist also minimises the unravelling. This helps with retaining moisture and avoiding any frizz from occurring. Protect the locs when sleepingĬover your hair with a satin scarf or satin bonnet when you sleep as a protective measure. Here is how you maintain two strand twist starter locs: 1. Once you have the two strand twists starter locs installed, you must take care of them so they remain healthy and lock faster.

2 strand twist how to#
How to care for two strand twist starter locs Twist each strand of hair and rotate against the other strand in the opposite direction.Starting from the roots, moisturise, detangle and separate the hair section you are working on using your desired hair locking product into two strands.Box partitioning is preferred as it allows the dreadlocs to grow round.

Always remember the locs turn out thicker than the original twist so have this in mind when doing the 2 strand twists.
2 strand twist install#
Here is a step-to-step guide on how to install two strand twists starter locs. The biggest advantage of starting locs with two strand twists is that you can do this by yourself at the comfort of your home. The twist tend to unravel if not installed well.The twist pattern takes long to disappear.It’s not always all rosy with 2 strand twist starter locs. Can be done on any length of hair (from 2 inches).Requires relatively fewer products when installing.The looser you twist the hair the thicker they will form Good for people who desire thick locs.Imagine doing this by yourself? No need to pay expensive consultation fees and installation fees. Anyone who can twist their hair can install these starter locs Here is a summary of the advantages of 2 strand twist starter locs Most people prefer starting their locs when the hair is short hence why you will see a lot of pictures on short two strand starter locs. They are installed by rotating two strands of hair together in the opposite direction.ĭepending on the length of your hair when starting the locs, they can be long or short. The two strand twists hold up the hair as the roots begin locking. Two Strand Twist Starter Locs are baby locs that are started using two strand twists. NB: I will be referring to locs and using all the name variations (Dreads, dreadlocks, dreadlocs) across the article. How often should you re-twist the 2 strand starter locs?.Tips on preventing the locs from unraveling.How long does it take for two strand twists to loc?.Maintaining two strand twist starter locs.How to start locs with two strand twists.What are two strand twist starter locs?.In this article we will cover the following If this is a technique you would like to use to start your locs, then keep on reading. Of all the different methods of starting locs, Two Strand Twist Starter Locs are by far the easiest and most convenient way to start your locs especially if you plan to install the dreadlocs yourself.